Guadalupe County, TX
Guadalupe County, TX - Wastewater Project
Project Background
significant challenges associated with their decentralized wastewater (septic) systems. It is believed
that the in situ soil conditions are not suitable to septic, leading to widespread failure throughout the
community and untreated sewage contaminating soil and ponding on the ground surface. This has
led to numerous residents becoming infected with gastrointestinal parasites thought long eradicated
in the US. Additionally, the area is prone to flooding, which the community suspects has enabled
untreated sewage to spread. The community is looking to address their wastewater challenges by
either regionalizing with the nearby City of San Marcos utility, or developing a centralized solution for
their community.
Community Description
The community is a neighborhood outside the City of San Marcos, Texas. The community consists of approximately 430 half-acre lots (approximately 600 residents - primarily spanish-speaking). The majority of the residents are lower-income, and cannot afford to address their decades-long wastewater challenges without assistance.
Project Scope of Work
The scope of work that Community Engineering Corps is looking for support with the development of a Preliminary Engineering Report , including an alternatives analysis that assesses regionalization, a centralized community system, and other alternatives deemed feasible by the project team. This report will then be included in applications for funding for improved wastewater infrastructure. Additionally, this scope includes the development of immediate solutions to address several septic systems in the community that are failing and require immediate attention. It is anticipated that this interim deliverable will be developed by the project team concurrent with the development of the PER. A separate but related Community Engineering Corps team is being recruited to support the community and project-partners with data collection. It is anticipated that this team will be composed of students from a local university and will work in conjunction with the PER team, providing support with collecting any data determined to be required